Reserve Stalls

Contestants can reserve stalls. Please read instructions below. Visit the Contestant FB Page

Stall Reservation Policies


Reservation Process

● Contestants may reserve stalls in advance, walk ups are accepted, preferably by phone or text, providing the date(s) of stay and the number of stalls

● Contestants are able to reserve stalls two weeks in advance.

● Stalls will be unlocked incase of stall attendant is not present.

● To Reserve ahead of time: Call or Text Camryn (970)819-7838

There is a practice arena on-site that remains open during the weekend that you are free to use.


Stall Availability and Pricing

Stalls are available Thursday- Sunday From June 20th through August 25th of 2024

● On site 87 uncovered 12×12 stalls and all stalls are numbered.

● Alley of warm up arena can be used but not until all other stalls are used ($20 per head)

● One stall limited to one horse ($20 per stall) per night

● One contestant is allowed four horses unless additional stalls become available.

● Stalls are located at Romick Arena 401 Howelsen Pkwy, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487

Payment Policy

● Contestants are responsible for watering, feeding, and cleaning your respective pens

● Please muck all manure into the outside of the gate.

● Shavings and hay are not available for stalls, Must bring/ buy your own


Check-In and Check-Out Procedures

● Upon arrival please locate Camryn or call to receive further instructions on horse and trailer placement.

● When leaving please leave the grounds as you found it or cleaner if possible, no need to check with anyone. Romick arena must be vacated and clear of horses, trailers and rigs by Sunday no later than 8pm mountain time.

● No extended stays whatsoever


Facility Rules and Regulations

● No stalling or tying in warm up arena

● Building your own pens of any type are not permitted, tying to your trailer is permitted

● No Stalling in runs unless all stalls are sold, this includes the alley of the warm up arena and warm up arena roping boxes.

● No dumping trash in to manure piles

● No dumping water into stalls while cleaning pens

● Please clear and clean pens and put all contents to the outside of the pen

● There are multiple waterspouts located next to both sets of pens on either side of contestant parking.

● Please use the designated wash bays to hose and wash horses.

● We reserve the right to lock stalls because of non payment

● We reserve the right to refuse services due to sick animals

Emergency Procedures

● If questions or concerns arise about the premises, please contact Camryn (970)819-7838, Incase of an actual emergency please contact local law enforcement (911) or (970) 879-1090

● Incase of a veterinary emergency a vet will be on site during the performances on friday and saturdays nights and is located next to the left side of the alleyway leading up to the main arena. If a vet is not at the arena please call one of the following:

● High Country Veterinary Services (970) 749-1013

● Steamboat Vet (970) 879-1041